X Games Aspen Athlete Profiles
A collection of profiles, stories and backgrounds on some of our top athletes set to compete at X Games Aspen 2024.

Joshua Duplechian/X Games

Nick Goepper
Nick Goepper acts the nerd in front of a white board, Volkl skis -- one of his two remaining sponsors -- leaning against the wall. With tape on his glasses and tie loosened, the X Games champ pulls a marker from his shirt pocket and addresses the assumption that skiing is for the rich...

Eileen Gu
Eileen Gu is like many 20-year-olds: She attends college full-time and likes to ski on the weekends and holidays. She has roommates and belongs to a sorority. She loves her book club and even started a college basketball club. But Eileen Gu is like no other 20-year-olds. She’s one of one. The sophomore at Stanford University graduated early from a prestigious high school, aced her SATs and excels in quantum physics. Those ski weekends? In December, she was in China and Colorado for halfpipe World Cup comps, which she won. Her November break was a ski camp in Europe....